I found this flyer in my old bag of stuff. I must have gone to the night or I wouldn’t have kept the flyer. It was at the Music box, which I frequented a fair bit back in the day. If you weren’t around the Manchester scene then The Music Box was a basement club situated under Jilly’s Rock World on Oxford St. The Music Box was dark, sweaty and very, very loud. Great club.
I do remember going to the Electric Chair a lot at The Roadhouse, I think I went to the first one but not entirely sure. Memories are all a bit hazy now.

Transcript from flyer:
“So here we are in the glorious days of the 20th Century getting paranoid with the millennium machine sucking the blood from our necks, too busy to do anything because we are marinating tofu while trisha and jerry turn us into a mob of home improvements mutants and stencil spraying sunday supplement robots, listening to robbie williams because we are so post modern and ironic. kick the bullshit into touch and close down the infested 50p a drink cesspits filling our streets. stop the planet becoming one gigantic soulless trafford centre full of stepford wives and husbands eating at chain bars and restaurants, shopping at ikea with their generic dinner party friends. fuck the millenium, celebrate the real things and enjoy it now. long live passion, soul, debauchery and dancing in outerspace.”