Another compact video camera from Sony was announced at NAB and is available on pre-order from Jigsaw and Proactive Broadcast at £3234 inc vat. It looks fairly similar to the EX1 but Sony have fired a definite shot over the “Canon X105 bow” with a direct response of 4:2:2 colour space and HD broadcast standard 50Mbps instead of the 35Mbps of the EX1 and EX3. The PMW-100 records to S*S cards and the workflow remains the same. It’s marketed as an excellent partner for b-roll etc to the PMW-500 and borrows some cool features from the EX3 such as over and under-cranking. Unfortunately the PMW-100 has a fixed lens, but what do you want for just over 3K!? There are also genlock and SDI connections so all seems present and correct.
Hi Don,Tony Cacciarelli from AJA Video here. We do actually know about this. When the Ki Pro or Ki Pro Mini is to be ARMed based on the tidomece, it will watch the tidomece value over the SDI cable for a change and will start recording once is sees that happen.If the tidomece value being output by the camera is Time of Day, then the tidomece is continuously changing, even when the camera is not recording. So, the Ki Pro sees this change and would start recording even though the camera isn’t in record. To avoid this, you have to set the ARM value to REC ONLY, which requires you to press the RECORD button on the Ki Pro in order to start a recording.With the new v2.5 firmware on Ki Pro Mini, the LANC port is enabled, which allows the Ki Pro Mini to be ARMed using a trigger over the LANC cable (assuming you have a LANC-enabled camera, of course). This allows for Time of Day tidomece to be used since the ARMing is happening based on the LANC signal, not watching for changing tidomece over the SDIa0cable.Thanks,Tony
Hello Patrick,Since you posted your qsetuion about controlling multiple Ki Pro Minis using the LANC function I’ve been asking around about which controller will do the job reliably but no one seems to have a definitive answer. It seems as though most people who need to control multiple units are using the hard wired ethernet gang control function and just using the web-based master controller screen. Ultimately, the LANC way of doing things would not be nearly as clumsy as using a laptop. You obviously must have upgraded your KPM firmware to v.2.5 otherwise the LANC wouldn’t work at all, but as far as getting reliable control of the start/stop LANC commands is something I’m not able to help you with. I don’t use the LANC function myself so I’m probably not the best person to ask. If you want to read more about the Ki Pro Mini gang record function turn to page 45 in the KPM owner’s manual, PDF version.- Don
The new $899 S-Log deal is not on an SxS card. You need to actually send the cmeara to Sony and it will be hardwired to your cmeara. The only negative aspect is you cannot take the S-Log off the cmeara and install onto another cmeara. No SxS card you get to keep either, but the fact that a 32gb card is only around $450, this is one great deal.
The S-Log option key is sueplipd on an SxS card. You insert the card in the camera and use the install option function to activate S-Log on the camera. You can then use the SxS card just as you would any other SxS card. There is no need to send the camera to Sony. The S-Log option key can at anytime be removed from the camera back to an SxS card (any SxS card) and installed on another camera. The software key can only ever exist in one place so it is impossible to instal one key on multiple cameras.I don’t know whether the encoder inside the F3 can do 4:2:2.
Alister, Did you notice the Synchro Rec fuonitcn before Firmware 1.31.I can’t be sure if it was there in Version 1.2Sony docs say Synchro Rec enables frame accurate sync (presumably between onboard recording and) recordings via the HD-SDI dual link Port A.I tried this and it sent the Samurai into a spin. It generated over a hundred (what seemed like little video files) in just a few seconds. I was just wondering if this is a new issue or is this something that you’ve seen before?good luck in Norway!